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Harnessing the Power of JIT Inventory Systems for Printers and IT Parts

Created: March 22nd 2021 Category: Blog

Just in Time (JIT) inventory systems have a long history of helping businesses streamline processes and providing value added service to customers in need of fast access to specific products. 

First developed during the 1970s in Japan and deployed at Toyota manufacturing centers, JIT systems targeted fundamental issues such as overproduction and inventory waste, as well as excess costs derived from processing, transportation, and storage of goods. 

In fact, the original goal of these systems was to meet every customer demand perfectly, using quantifiers that consider time, quantity, and quality of the product as well as resources and materials used to deliver the final product. 

When properly implemented, these systems become a powerhouse of advantages for printer dealers, strengthening competitiveness and providing a value-added way to attract new customers. 

How JIT Inventory Systems for Printer and IT Hardware Can Help You Gain — And Retain — Customers  

With their focus on streamlined business processes, the JIT distribution model provides printer dealers with unrivaled access to on-demand printer parts and IT parts for servers, desktops, and laptop computers without having to keep a large inventory of stock on hand. 

This strategy results in a number of positive outcomes, such as: 

  1. Optimized Stock 

JIT inventory systems for printer and IT parts replenishment can help your business run leaner by optimizing stock, resulting in reduced potential for product expiry and controlling waste across the organization.  

With this lower, more efficient inventory comes a lower investment that still nets you the same level of production for better profitability and increased return on investment (ROI).  

Optimizing stock also gives your organization the ability to respond quickly to changes in consumer demand and market disruptions without worrying about incurring risk due to obsolete products or other wastage. 

  1. Cost Savings

When your company can cross-dock with trucks from your supplier and get needed IT parts and printers directly into the customer’s hands, you not only save time but also reduce the amount of warehouse storage space needed as well as minimize labor costs. 

These savings are particularly evident for start-ups and smaller dealers who may not have the capital or employees needed to purchase — and maintain — large quantities of stock, but they are also critical for larger dealers looking for ways to achieve a competitive advantage in the current marketplace. 

  1. Better, Faster Business Growth

Using a JIT system can help you meet your customers’ expectations rapidly and effectively.  

Your JIT partner will take care of the cost of modernized distribution, including fulfillment centers and technologies that allow you to easily scale your business as it grows.  

This partnership allows you to concentrate on building the profit-generating core processes that makes your company able to offer more attractive — and cost-effective— solutions to your customer base rather than funneling capital into storage space and warehouse labor. 

Let Depot International Help You Harness the Power of JIT 

One of your greatest challenges as a dealer is getting parts you need to your customers when they need them. The problem? You can’t predict when a customer will want to replace their printer fleet — or when a printer, server, or computer will require emergency parts. 

Distributors like Depot International who use JIT methodologies can ensure that you get the products and parts you — and your customers — need to improve productivity, reduce downtime, and increase customer loyalty. 

We accomplish this by relying on a decentralized logistics strategy that concentrates on a global distribution network rather than a single fulfillment center. Our multiple fulfillment center locations are positioned worldwide to make getting you the equipment and parts you need a simple, fast, and reliable process. 

When you partner with us, you have the distinct advantage of having a ready-made JIT infrastructure at your fingertips to bring you the cost and time saving you need — and your customers' demand.  

Bring the savings and flexibility of a JIT inventory system to your dealership today. Contact a Depot International representative now and discover how simple it is to get a competitive advantage in the printer and IT market. 

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